Custom Pool in Palm Coast FL
This is a basic rundown of how the new construction process works. If you have never had a pool built, then this is a good place to start and get an idea of how it will go.
This is the design process. I come out to the property where we discuss what your backyard utopia will look like. I take some measurements, pull some surveys and begin the design process. Once the revisions are complete and we have a design that fits your desires and budget, we move on to engineering and permitting. Once that is complete, its time to get to work!

Step 2:
This is where the work begins. We start with the layout of the pool followed by digging and steel work. We ensure everything is up to code and beyond before the day of the shoot. If there is a spa then we go ahead and install the plumbing before the shoot. This specific design has a mulit-level jet system to allow the jets to be at different heights within the spa. With 6 jets total, there will be 2 upper back, 2 mid-back and 2 low-back.

Step 3:
This is the day of the shoot. We prep the spa wall, cap the exposed pipes, pull strings/wires on the walls to ensure proper thickness and cover the house with plastic.

This is after the shell is shot. We use a wet shotcrete mix.
the dry shotcrete mix has issues because the strength is primarily dependant on the skill/knowledge of the nozzle operator. gunite is a dry mix shotcrete so the cement is mixed at the nozzle, dry mix also has no peat stone where wet shotcrete is pre-mixed and delivered.
*There was rain after the shell was shot which is why the spa is covered in plastic*

Here the shell has cured with a sprinkler that was ran twice a day for 10 days and now the excess dirt is removed and graded. The shell is now ready for plumbing and tile which is the next step.
Step 4:
Now its time for plumbing. We trench and set all the return plumbing, drain suctions, skimmer and light niches. After they're all plumbed to where the equipment will go, we build a manifold and pressure test. We exceed the code by a mile for pressure testing to ensure that you will NEVER have a plumbing issue down the road. After it has held pressure for a couple days ( code is 30 mins!) we return, backfill the trenches and compact.

Step 5:
Now its time for tile. This tile is a 1x1 glass tile which requires floating the wall to be perfectly plum before putting the tile on. The water you see is ground water being released into the shell to prevent it from building up pressure and floating. Once the tile is complete its time for the deck whether its concrete/acrylic, footer/pavers or footer/travertine.

Here you can see the tile is complete, the spa spillway is finished and we have begun digging the footer for the sub-deck. This job is a travertine deck so we will pour just a footer with screen door pads to attach the screen enclosure to.

Step 6:
Next is pour the footer, set the handrail anchors and start on the travertine coping.

Step 7:
Now we strip the forms for the footer and start on the travertine.

Step 8:
Travertine and travertine base install. We use a crushed limestone topped with mason sand as a base.

Step 9:
Screen Enclosure Install. This specific client wanted an "elite roof" with the screen enclosure. You can see in the pictures its a covered porch area thats built into the screen.

Step 10:
This is time for the accent tile as well as the waterproofing and prep for interior finish.

Step 11:
Next is Equipment install and the interior finish. Interior finish is a multi-day process that involves:
- Acid wash the shell pre-application
-Cure time
-Acid wash to remove excess plaster material
-Finally fill the pool

Step 12:
Once the pool is full we start the chemical balancing process. the pool will be green for the first few days no matter which interior finish color you choose. Dont worry! it won't stay that way.

Step 13:
The last and final step, re-grade the yard and pass the final inspection. Total Time from breaking ground on 07/08/2023 to having pool balanced and swimmable ready for final 11/03/2023. Thats 119 days or 17 weeks.